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Principal Investigator


Jaewook Ahn ( brief CV

Professor, Department of Physics
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
291 Daehak-ro,Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34141, Korea

Office: Natural Science Building E6-2-3305
Phones: +82-42-350-2546 (direct), 2586 (secretary, lab1), 5546 (lab2), 2510 (fax)

Ph.D. Candidates

Hansub Hwang (

Research: Precision Rydberg quantum gates

Kangheun Kim (

Research: Adiabatic Rydberg quantum computing, Individual atom addressing

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Seokho Jeong (

Research: Engineered M-qubit quantum gates

Sunhwa Hwang.png
Sunhwa Hwang (

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JuYoung Park (

Kangjin Kim.jpg
Kangjin Kim (


Maynardo Pratama Soegianto (

Research Associates

Lab Alumni

Byun profile2.jpg
Andrew Byun (Woojeong Byun) (

Former graduate student
Ph. D. Thesis: Quantum technological application of the Rydberg atom graph (2024/05/28).
Now at University of Innsbruck

Minhyuk Kim (

Former graduate student and postdoc
Ph. D. Thesis: Implementations and Applications of Three-Dimensional Rydberg Atom Assemblies (2021/10/19).
Now at Korea University

Haeun Sun (

Former graduate student
M.S. Thesis: Holographic 3D imaging method for scalable Rydberg atom quantum computing (KAIST, 2021/09/17)


Yunheung Song (
Former graduate student and postdoc
Ph. D. Thesis: Ultrafast quantum gates for trapped neutral atom qubits (KAIST, 2019/11/14).
Now at KRISS

HanLae Jo (

Former graduate student
Ph. D. Thesis: Coherent control of neutral-atom qubit systems: robust control, leakage suppression, and entanglement generation (KAIST, 05/14/2019).
Now at SEMES Co. Ltd.

Woojun Lee (

Former graduate student
Ph. D. Thesis: Formation and control of Rydberg atom arrays for quantum information processing (KAIST, 11/12/2018).
Now at Seoul National University

Heejeong Jeong (

Former research assistant professor (2018/08/15-2019/02/28)
Now Associate Professor at University of Malaya

Hyosub Kim (

Former graduate student and postdoc
Ph. D. Thesis: Reconfigurable single-atom array for Rydberg atom quantum simulation (KAIST, 12/05/2017).
Now at Los Alamos National Lab.


Geol Moon (
Former postdoc (2017/06-2017/12).
Now Assistant Professor at Chonnam National University


Han-gyeol Lee (
Former graduate student and postdoc
Ph.D. Thesis: Quantum control of cold alkali atoms by using hybrid temporal-spectral pulse shaping (KAIST, 11/29/2016).
Now at University of Kassel

Kyungtae Kim (

Former graduate student (2015/07-2017/06)

Daehoon Han (

Ph.D. thesis: Lattice vibrations of minimal and polarization dependence of material in a slit using terahertz waves (5/27/2016).
Now at Semiconductor R&D Center, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.


Kanghee Lee (
Ph.D. thesis: Fourier optical phenomena and applications using ultra-broadband terahertz waves (5/23/2013).
Now at Agency for Defense Development.


Minwoo Yi (
Ph.D. thesis: Terahertz wave generation from semiconductor thin films and its applications (5/02/2012).
Now at Agency for Defense Development.


Junwoo Cho (
Ph.D. thesis: Enhancement of magneto-optical trap of ytterbium atoms via optical repumping of triplet P-states (11/25/2011).
Now at Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.


Youngchan Kim (
Ph. D. thesis: Development of high-speed, high-resolution, and polarization-sensitive terahertz spectroscopic techniques (4/4/2011).
Now Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at University of Surrey (UK).


Sangkyung Lee (
Ph.D. thesis: Analytical coherent controls of Alkali atoms in strong field regime (11/26/2010).
Now at Agency for Defense Development.


Kyeong-Jin Jang (
Ph.D. thesis: The study of coherent optical and acoustic phonons in correlated electron materials (CMR, multiferroic), (5/7/2010).
Now at Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.


Jongseok Lim (
Former student, post-doc, and research assistant professor
Ph.D. Thesis: Coherent Control in 2D Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (KAIST, 4/29/2011).
Now at Imperial College London.

Heejae Jeong (

Former Research Associate (2014/04-10)

Hoang-Van DO (

Former exchange student from ENS, France (2015/01-07)