Past events
2019/10/23-25, KPS-fall, Gwangju (Haeun, Yunheung, Minhyuk)
2019/05/5-10, CLEO 2019, San Jose, CA, (Hanlae, Minhyuk)
2019/02/22-23, Asia-Pacific Workshop on Trapped Quantum Systems (APTQS-2019), Daejeon, Korea
2018/10/24-26, KPS 2018 fall, Changwon (Hanlae Jo, Yunheung Song)
2018/6/25-26, AMP 2018 (Atomic and Molecular Physics Division Workshop), Muju Resort AMP2018
2018/06/18, Dr. Thibault Vogt (National University of Singapore, Center for Quantum Technology), "Rydberg electromagnetically induced transparency and microwave-to-optical conversion using Rydberg atoms," Invited seminar, Seminar Room 2502, 10:00 am.
2018/06/14, Prof. Kenji Toyoda (Osaka University), "Phonons and polariton-like particles in trapped ions for quantum computation and quantum simulation," Invited seminar, Seminar Room 2502, 10:00 am.
2018/05/13-18, CLEO 2018, San Jose, CA, (Abstract due: 12/13/2017) (Yunheung, Hanlae)
2017/10/29-11/1, Samsung Global Symposium, Seoul, (Hangyoel, Hanlae, Minhyuk, Yunheung, Hyosub, JA)
2017/10/25-10/27, KPS 2017 fall, Gyeungju, (Hangyeol, Hanlae, Minhyuk, Woojun, Yunheung, Hyosub)
2017/8/28-9/12, ICSSUR 2017, Jeju, (Yunheung Song, Hyosub Kim)
2017/06/5-9, DAMOP 2017, Sacramento, CA, (Abstract due: 1/29/2017) (Woojun, Yunheung, Minhyuk)
2017/05/14-19, CLEO 2017, San Jose, CA, (Abstract due: 12/14/2016) (Hyosub)
2017/05/10-13, ALTA, Seoguipo, (Hangyeol, Hanlae, Kyungtae, JA)
2017/04/19-21, KPS 2017 Spring, Daejeon, (Yunheung)
10/19-21/2016, KPS fall 2016, Kwangju, (Woojun, Hanlae)
7/24-29/2016, ICAP2016, Seoul, (
6/5-10/2016, CLEO2016, San Jose, CA, (Abstract due: 1/27/2016) (Woojun Lee)
5/23-27/2016, DAMOP2016, Providence, RI, (Abstract due : 1/29/2016) (Yunheung Song, Hyosub Kim)
5/10-14/2016, APLS2016, Jeju island, (Hanlae Jo, Daehoon Han, Minhyuk Kim)
10/21-23/2015, KPS 2015-fall, Kyeogju, (Abstract due: 9/2/2015)
KPS-Pioneering symposium: Physics and applications of Rydberg atoms
9/14/2015, Dr. Hae Ja Lee (SLAC, Stanford), "Ultrafast X-ray Studies on Dynamics of Matter in Extreme Conditions Physics," Invited seminar, Physics Seminar Room 2501, 2:00 pm.
8/31/2015, Prof. Kihwan Kim (Tsinghua University), "Quantum simulation with a trapped ion for quantum field theory and quantum chemistry," Invited seminar, Seminar Room 1322, 11:00 am.
8/24-28/2015, CLEO-PR 2015, Pusan, (Abstract due: 3/15/2015) (우준, 한결, 효섭)
7/3/2015, 계룡산 산행 (hiking, Doduk-Bong, Chicken-Dragon Mountain)
7/13-15/2015, OSK summer 2015, Kyeongju, (Abstract due: 6/01/2015)
5/10-15/2015, CLEO 2015, San Jose, (Abstract due: 12/16/2014) (한결, 효섭)
5/06-09/2015, ALTA, Jeju, (Abstract due: 4/10/2015) (실험실 전체)
4/22-24/2015, KPS spring 2015, Daejeon, Pioneering symposium: Quantum control for emerging quantum technologies (효섭, 안)
1/28-30/2015, 2015 한국광학회 동계학술발표회 (Abstract due: 12/7/2014) (한결, 대훈X2, 효섭, 우준)
12/23/2014, Seasonal hiking trip to Chicken-Dragon Mountain
10/22-24/2014, KPS fall 2014 at Gwangju, Pioneering symposium: Craftshops for light and atoms
10/6-10/2014, AISAMP at Tohoku
8/25-27/2014, OSK summer meeting at Jeju (Heejae Jeong, Han-gyeol Lee, JA)
8/3-8/2014, ICAP 2014, Washington (Hyosub Kim, Han-gyeol Lee, JA)
6/19-21/2014, Atomic Physics Workshop at Muju
5/7-10/2014, ALTA at Jeju (team members)
4/23-25/2014, KPS spring meeting at Daejeon (Cho, Han, Lee)
3/14/2014, Jae Hoon Lee (KRISS), Invited Seminar (Physics Seminar Room 2502),16:00 pm.
2/28/2014, Vijay Deshmukh (GIST), Invited Seminar (Physics Seminar Room 250X),16:00 pm.
6/8-13/2014. CLEO 2014 at San Jose (Abstract due: 1/22/2014).
3/3-7/2014, APS March meeting at Denver, Colorado (Abstract due: 11/15/2013).
2/19-21/2014, KPS winter meeting at Daejeon (Abstract due:11/30/2013).
11/6/2013, 계족산 산행 (hiking, Chicken-Foot Mountain)
10/30-11/1/2013, KPS fall meeting at Changwon (Abstract due : 9/25).
5/23/2013, Congratuations to Dr. Kanghee Lee for his successful Ph.D. thesis defense.
5/1-4/2013/2013, Advanced Lasers and Their Application (ALTA 2013) at Seoguipo (Abstract due April 14),
4/24-26/2013, KPS spring at Daejeon (Abstract due: 3/4).
1/22/2013, Minwoo Yi received the Sinmyung (Sangsoo Lee) best thesis award. Congratulations!
9/1-12/31, JKPS Special Topical Issue on Cold Atoms and Molecules: Final call for papers (Due: 1/31/2013).
11/7, 계룡산 산행 (hiking, Chicken-Dragon Mountain)
10/24-26, 2012, KPS fall meeting (Pyungchang)
9/18, 김윤호 교수 (Yoon-ho Kim, Postech), invited seminar (Physics Seminar Room 2502), 1:00 pm.
8/27-29, OSK summer meeting, (abstract due: 6/8). (실험실 전체)
8/16, 박현욱 (U. Virginia), Invited Seminar (Physics Seminar Room 2502),16:00 pm.
5/28-31, APLS 2012, Jeju.
5/6-11, CLEO/QELS 2012, San Jose (이상경, 이강희).
5/4, Congratuations to Dr. Minwoo Yi for his successful Ph.D. thesis defense.
4/25-27, Korean Physical Society meeting at Daejeon (the 60th anniversary). Focus session on "Quantum Control," invited speakers include Prof. S. Guerin, Prof. Jongbin Gong, and Prof. Jinhyung Lee.
2/24, Congratulations to Dr. Junwoo Cho on earning his Ph.D. in physics.
1/17/2012, 9:00am-5:00pm, Cold Atom Workshop, KAIST seminar room 2501.
12/2, 문종철 (표준연), Invited Seminar (Physics Seminar Room 2501),16:00 pm.
11/14, 초청세미나, 김경완 교수 from Chungbuk National Univ, 자연과학대 회의실 2323호, 14:00pm.
11/11, KIOST 2011년 워크샵, KI Lecture room G (4층), 13:00-18:00pm.
10/19-21, KPS-fall, Pusan, (abstract due: August 24) (이상경, 조준우, 한대훈, 변희수, 이강희)
10/2-7, IRMMW-THz 2011, Houston, (abstract due: April 29) (이민우)
8/26, 신시도 산행 (hiking, Sin-si Island)
7/17-22, Nonlinear Optics (OSA), Kauai, Hawaii, (abstract due: March 16)
7/8 4pm, Dr. Mohamed Hassan Abdellatif, KIST, invited seminar, "Optical Study of Nanostructured Semiconductor Materials," Physics seminar room 2501.
6/14 5pm, Prof. Kiyong Kim, U. Maryland, invited seminar, Physics seminar room 250x.
5/11-14, 제10회 첨단 레이저 및 레이저 응용 워크샵, Jeju, (이민우, 이강희, 임종석, 이상경, 이한결, 한대훈, 손정우, 최인영, 안재욱)
5/1-6, CLEO/QELS 2011, Baltimore, (이상경, 임종석, 이강희)
4/29, Congratuations to Dr. Jongseok Lim for his successful Ph.D. thesis defense.
4/4, Congratuations to Dr. Youngchan Kim for his successful Ph.D. thesis defense.
2/14, Sangkyung Lee received the best Ph.D thesis award (and the 3 ounce gold medal!) from the department.
1/20-21, BK21 Students workshop, Postech.(한대훈, 이한결, 임종석?)
1/19-20/2011, THz-ERC workshop, SNU. (이강희, 이민우, 김영찬, 한대훈, 안재욱)
12/13, "Single Pixel Coherent Diffraction Imaging," featured on cover of Applied Physics Letters.
11/26, Congratuations to Dr. Sangkyung Lee for his successful Ph.D. thesis defense.
10/20-22, KPS fall meeting, Pyungchang (임종석, 이상경, 이민우, 이강희, 이한결)
10/18 11:00am, 김태현 박사 from Duke Univ., invited talk, physics seminar room 2502.
10/13-16, Asia Symposium of Intense Laser Science, Beijing,
10/12 5:30pm, Jongseok Lim, "Coherent Control 2D Fourier Transform Spectroscopy," prelim exam.
10/05, "Strong Field Quanmtum Control," appears in PRA Kaleidoscope.
9/12-16, International Symposium on Ultra-fast Phenomena and Terahertz Waves, Xi'an,
8/21, 속리산 산행 (hiking, Mundanity-Abandon Mountain)
7/15-16, Optical Society of Korea, Summer Meeting, Pusan, BEXCO.
7/2 2:00pm, Prof. Ishihara, Tohoku University, invited seminar, physics seminar room 250x.
6/24-25, Atomic and Molecular Physics Workshop, Muju.
5/16-21, CLEO/QELS in San Jose (임종석, 이상경, 이강희, 이민우)
5/11-15, Asia Pacific Laser Symposium, Jeju (이민우, 이한결, 한대훈).
5/7, Congratuations to Dr. Kyeong-Jin Jang for his successful Ph.D. thesis defense.
5/1, 계족산 산행 (hiking, Chicken-Foot Mountain)
4/2, IRMMW-THz2010 (9/10 in Rome) abstract due.
2/17, Ultrafast Phenomena 2010 (7/18-23 in Colorado) abstract due.
1/28/2010, 4:00pm Dr. Haeja Lee (SLAC), invited seminar, Physics 2502
12/13, OSK winter meeting (1/20-22 at KAIST) abstract due. (이민우, 임종석).
12/4, 계룡산 산행 (hiking, Chicken-Dragon Mountain)
11/4, (Wed) 11:00am, Min Ah Seo (SNU), Invited seminar, Physics 2502.
10/21-23, KPS fall 2009, Changwon, Abstracts due : 9/11 (이상경).
10/20-21, OSK fall 2009, Kwangju, Abstracts due : 9/10 (이강희, 김영찬).
10/19, (Mon) 3:00pm, Prof. Chris Stanton (U. Florida, Physics), invited seminar, Physics Seminar Room 2501.
10/9, 최현용 박사 (LBNL), Ultrabroadband Terahertz Spectroscopy of Semiconductor Nanostructures, 기계 C2, 2:00pm.
9/30, 최상경 박사 (KRISS), 광자를 어떻게 얽는가, 물리 250x, 11:00am.
9/20-25, IRMMW-THz 2009, Pusan : (장경진, 이민우, 이강희, 김영찬).
9/18, KIOST 세미나 (오왕렬, 김정원 교수), 기계 E1, 10:00am.
9/7/2009, 문종철 박사 (KRISS) 초청 세미나, 물리 2502, 11:00am.