Jaewook Ahn's Quantum Computing Lab
We develop quantum computers and quantum simulators using Rydberg atoms and quantum control methods.
Who are the Members?
Our lab is located in the Department of Physics
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34141, Korea (South)
Research Highlights (2024/Fall)
For more details, click the link below image. (past research highlights)
Research summary and Publications
News and Events
2025/02/05, 세계 양자 과학 및 기술의 해 (International Year of Quantum Science and Technology), 한국 선포식, 과학기술회관 pdf
2024/08/19-23, The 15th Asian International Seminar on Atomic and Molecular Physics, KAIST Fusion Hall, http://www.aisamp2024.com/
2024/01/10 (09:00-18:00), 한국물리학회 대전충남세종 지부학회, 공주대 자연과학대학 강당
2023/10/24-27, KPS Focus Session for Tweezer trap systems https://www.kps.or.kr/conference/event/index.php?cfrid=20
2023/08/08, Introduction to Rydberg-atom quantum computer (in korean) video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVNk-rFCNYE&list=PLB3nLC4g3bNjURhjJp3j20iU_S29HldaA&index=2
2023/05/04, Nature Photonics, “Take me out to the ball game,” https://www.nature.com/articles/s41566-023-01210-3
2023/03/05-10, APS March Meeting, Las Vegas (Minhyuk, Hansub, Andrew, Kangheun, Seokho)
2022/12/22, Lasers used to throw and catch single atoms (New Scientist).
2022/12/12-15, KOFST BrainLink 2022 - Quantum Information Science Strategy, Yeosu, Korea
2022/01/25, Quantum simulation, among seven technologies to watch in 2022 (Nature).
2021/06/21-23, AMP 2021, https://indico.kps.or.kr/event/14/
2021/05/09-14, CLEO 2021, Online, http://www.cleoconference.org/ (Minhyuk, Hansub)
2021/04/21-23, KPS 2021 Spring, Online, http://kps.or.kr/ (Kangjin, Seokho, Woojeong)
2020/11/04-06, KPS 2020 Fall, Online, http://www.kps.or.kr/ (Minhyuk, Woojeong)
2020/05/11-15, CLEO 2020, Online, http://www.cleoconference.org/ (Yunheung, Haeun)