Andrew Byun
Google Scholar:
- KAIST. Integrated Master's & Ph.D. Program in Physics. (2018~)
- Hanyang Univ. B.S. in Physics, Double major in Computer Science and Engineering. (2018)
Reserch Experiences
Integrated Master's & Ph.D. Program Program: Quantum Computing Lab, KAIST. (2018~)
- Coherent control using frequency comb laser.
- Fluorescence imaging using a holographic device.
- Adiabatic quantum computing of laser-cooled few-body Rydberg atom system.
Undergraduate Research Program: Elementary Particle Physics group, Hanyang Univ. (2017)
- Searching for Rare Decay of Top Quark Using Deep Learning
General Physics I (PH141), Teaching Assistant, Basic recitation class (2018 spring)
General Physics II (PH142), Teaching Assistant (2018 fall)
Physics Lab. I (PH251), Teaching Assistant, Lab TA (2019 spring)
- Hansub Hwang, Andrew Byun, Juyoung Park, Sylvain de Léséleuc, and Jaewook Ahn, "Optical tweezers throw and catch single atoms," Optica 10 (3), 401-406 (2023)
- Andrew Byun, Minhyuk Kim, and Jaewook Ahn, "Finding the maximum independent sets of Platonic graphs using Rydberg atoms," PRX Quantum 3, 030305 (2022).
- Haeun Sun, Yunheung Song, Andrew Byun, Heejeong Jeong, and Jaewook Ahn, "Imaging three-dimensional single-atom arrays all at once," Optics Express 29(3), 4082-4090 (2021).
Conference presentations
- Andrew Byun, and Jaewook Ahn, "Universal Boolean constraints implementation using Rydberg graph without local addressing," G67.00008, APS March Meeting 2023(Las Vegas, Nevada, United States), 2023.03.05-2023.03.10.
- Andrew Byun, Hansub Hwang, and Jaewook Ahn, "Local measurement of Rydberg atom arrays," B13.03, KPS 70th Anniversary and 2022 Fall meeting(Busan, Korea), 2022.10.18-2022.10.21.
- Andrew Byun, Minhyuk Kim, and Jaewook Ahn, "Quantum simulation of 2D arranged Platonic graph Ising spins," E17.08, 2022 KPS Spring meeting(Virtual), 2022.04.20-2022.04.22
- Andrew Byun, Kangheun Kim, and Jaewook Ahn, "Direct observation of Rydberg many-body antiblockade state generation,"(poster presentation) D2, AMP2021, 2021.06.21-2021.06.23
- Andrew Byun, Haeun Sun, and Jaewook Ahn, "Simultaneous multi-particle tracking by dynamic holographic 3D imaging," H15.06, 2020 KPS Fall meeting(Virtual), 2020.11.04-2020.11.06
Ultrafast laser: Mode-locked femtosecond pulse laser, Frequency comb laser, Pulse shaper.
Diode laser: External-cavity diode laser(ECDL).
Fluorescence imaging: Holographic imaging using 2D spatial light modulator, Michelson interferometer, 4-f lens system.
Cold atom: Magneto-optical trap, Single atom tweezer.
Numerical simulation: Dynamics of Rydberg atoms under experimental noise, Quantum phase transition of Ising spins.
Programming language:
- Strong: Matlab, C, C++, Labview
- Knowledgeable: Python, Mathematica
Language: Korean(Native), English(Intermediate)