Minhyuk Kim
Integrated Master - Ph.D. Program, Physics (September 2015 ~ current)
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea
Research interest: Rydberg interaction for quantum computation and quantum simulation.
B.S., Physics (August 2015)
Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea
Teaching Assistant
General Physics Laboratory I (PH151) (September 2015 ~ current)
General Physics Laboratory II (PH152) (September 2016 ~ current)
M.S.-Ph.D. integrated program, KAIST Ultrafast Quantum Optics Laboratory, Daejeon, Korea (November 2015 ~ )
- Ultrafast coherent control of atomic systems
- Rydberg interactions for quantum computing
Yunheung Song, Minhyuk Kim, Hansub Hwang, Woojun Lee, and Jaewook Ahn, "Quantum annealing of Cayley-tree Ising spins at small scales," submitted (2020).
Minhyuk Kim, Yunheung Song, Jaewan Kim, and Jaewook Ahn, "Quantum Ising Hamiltonian Programming in Trio, Quartet, and Sextet Qubit Systems," PRX Quantum 1, 020323 (2020).
Hanlae Jo, Yunheung Song, Minhyuk Kim, and Jaewook Ahn, "Rydberg Atom Entanglements in the Weak Coupling Regime," Physical Review Letters 124, 033603 (2020).
Woojun Lee, Minhyuk Kim, Hanlae Jo, Yunheung Song, and Jaewook Ahn, "Coherent and dissipative dynamics of entangled quantum system of Rydberg atoms," Physical Review A 99, 043404 (2019).
Hyosub Kim, Minhyuk Kim, Woojun Lee, Jaewook Ahn, “Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm for tweezer-trap atom arrangements,” Optics Express 27, 2184 (2019).
Minhyuk Kim, Kyungtae Kim, Dewen Cao, Fang Gao, Feng Shuang, and Jaewook Ahn, "Ultrafast spatial coherent control methods for transition pathway resolving spectroscopy of atomic rubidium," Optics Express 26, 1324 (2018).
Daehoon Han, Kanghee Lee, Hanlae Jo, Yunheung Song, Minhyuk Kim, and Jaewook Ahn, "Terahertz polarization spectroscopy in the near-field zone of a sub-wavelength metal slit," Optics Express 24(19), 21276-21285 (2016).
Minhyuk Kim, Kangheun Kim, and Jaewook Ahn, "Atomic Quantum Wires in Ising-spin Chain Models," 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 2021, pp. 1-2.
Minhyuk Kim, Yunheung Song, Jaewan Kim, and Jaewook Ahn, "Rydberg-atom quantum simulator measures quantum-Ising eigenspectra of non-isomorphic graphs of up to six qubits," 2020 KPS Fall meeting, 2020.11.04~2020.11.06
Minhyuk Kim, Haeun Sun, Yunheung Song, and Jaewook Ahn, "Progress towards a 100-qubit Rydberg quantum simulator," F6.04, 2019 KPS Fall meeting, 2019.10.23~2019.10.25
Woojun Lee, Minhyuk Kim, Hanlae Jo, Yunheung Song, and Jaewook Ahn, "Quantum Few-body Dynamics of Rydberg Atom Clusters," in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (Optica Publishing Group, 2019), paper FM2A.7.
Minhyuk Kim, Kyungtae Kim, Dewen Cao, Woojun Lee, Hyosub Kim, Feng Shuang, Fang Gao, and Jaewook Ahn, "Doppler-free coherent-control spectroscopy of atomic rubidium fine structures with a colliding pair of shaped ultrafast pulses," B5.05, 2017 KPS Fall Meeting, 2017.10.25-2017.10.27
MinHyuk Kim, Kyungtae Kim, Woojun Lee, Hyosub Kim , and Jaewook Ahn ,"Doppler-free spectroscopy of the atomic rubidium fine structure using ultrafast spatial coherent control method," B6.00009, 5-9 June, DAMOP 2017, Sacramento, CA, USA
Optics, Cold atom & single atom trapping, Ultrafast laser oscillator, MATLAB, Labview, C
Korean (native), English